
Imam Hussain(a.s):"Verily people are the slaves of the world & their religion is superficial, only on their tongues.They are attentive to it as long as their material benifits are provided,but when they are tested ,the number of true devotees dwindles" Ref Bihar-Ul-Anwar .




One who offers four raka'at Namaz in this night and in each raka'at he /she recites SUrah Fatiha and Surah Qadr once each and Surah Ikhlas 27 times, his/her all earlier sins are pardoned and he becomes like a child who is born the same day. Allah will also give him a thousand palaces in the paradise.

According to another narration, one who offers four rak'at Namaz on the 27th night of the month of Ramadan and in each raka'at he/she recites after Surah Fatiha, Surah Qadr three times and Surah Ikhlas fifty times and after Salaam again goes in Sajda (Prostration) and recites

"Subhaan Allahe Walhamdolillahe Walahelaha illallaho Wallahoakbar"

and then whatever Dua he/she makes that will be granted and the Almighty will pardon his/her sins and give him/her countless rewards. (Ghunyatul Talibeen)

Aamaal for Laylatul Qadr

Dua Iftetah by Syed Modarresi

On October 22, 2004, we were honoured to listen to Dua Iftetah by Syed Mahdi Al Modarresi

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Qur'an Amaal, Holy Ramadhan 2003, By Syed Ali Hamid Jafari

Dua - e - Iftetah
with on-screen English translation
Due - e - Tawassul
with on-screen English translation

Dua - e - Kumail

with on-screen English translation

Qur'an A'maal
with on-screen clips

Munajaat Imam Ali (A) - with on-screen English Translation

Dua - e - Abu Hamza Thumali
with on-screen English translation

Dua Taubah
with on-screen English translation

Dua Makarimul Akhlaq
with on-screen English translation

Dua Jaushan - e - Kabeer
with on-screen English translation

Short Speech on Laylatul-Qadr


Complete Aamaal for Laylatul Qadr(text)