
Imam Hussain(a.s):"Verily people are the slaves of the world & their religion is superficial, only on their tongues.They are attentive to it as long as their material benifits are provided,but when they are tested ,the number of true devotees dwindles" Ref Bihar-Ul-Anwar .

Rights of the Imam on the people

Imam Ali said to the people, "You and I have rights on each other. My rights on you are:

(i) You should stick to your oath of allegiance to me.

(ii) You should remain my well-wisher both in my presence.

(iii) You should answer me as soon as I summon you, and your rights on me are:

(i) Sympathy with and wishing well to you

(ii) Security of the Public treasury

(iii) Education and training". (Biharul Anwar, vol. XXVII)