The best one fram amongst my ummah is one who invites (the people) towards God, the Exalted, and makes them such that they are loved by Him. Kanz al-U’mmaal, vol. 10, pg. 152, tr. 28779. ------------------------------------------------- The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: A person shall arrive on the Day of Judgment and shall be in possession of good deeds in the measure of vastly accumulated clouds or towering mountains. (Witnessing them) he shall ask: O’ My Lord! How can these be for me when I have not performed them? God shall reply: This is your knowledge that you had taught and conveyed to the people, and which was acted upon after you had died. Basaair al-Darajaat, vol. 5, pg. 16; Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 2 ,pg. 18. -------------------------------------