
Imam Hussain(a.s):"Verily people are the slaves of the world & their religion is superficial, only on their tongues.They are attentive to it as long as their material benifits are provided,but when they are tested ,the number of true devotees dwindles" Ref Bihar-Ul-Anwar .

Islamic Teachings Presentations........Beautiful Collection must see

As-Salamo Alaika Ya Baqiyyatul-Lahe Fee Arzehi!

Slides are an effective teaching tool in the classroom and to this end, SI Madressa is introducing a series of powerpoint slides.

Duties towards a Mayyit - Part 1: Sakarat

Duties towards a Mayyit - Part 2: Rules For Performing Ghusl

Duties towards a Mayyit - Part 3: The Kafan (shrouding)

Duties towards a Mayyit - Part 4: Salaat-e-Mayyit and Burial

Explains the 10 Branches of Religion

Rules of Fasting

Halal and Haraam Foods

Covers all Ghusls Wajib for Men and Women, as well as how to perform Ghusl

Covers all aspects of Haj from Umra-e Tamattu

These slides show what to do when one has an Obstruction, Bandage, or Medicine on a Part of Wudhu

Covers Details on Ghusls which are Wajib only for Women

Explains Terms used within the Syllabus

Talks about Compulsory and voluntary Taxes in Islam

Discusses that which make Najis things Pak

Explains how one should go about making a Vow, Oath, or Covenant within Shariah

Discusses Mustahab Prayers which carry a lot of Benefit if offerred

Discusses those things which are Impure

Explains how to find the Direction to Pray and what to do if you haven’t got a clue

Translation of the Dhikr of Salaat in English

Discusses the Rules of Praying

Explains when to offer Prayers of Ayaat, and how to offer them

Explains how to offer Prayers on Eid

Discussed the benefits of Praying Together and how to do it

Explains the Rules of Friday Prayers

Explains Rules of how to Offer Prayers when Travelling

Explains what to do when in Doubt in Prayers

Discusses the Attributes of God

Discusses the Attributes God does not have

Discusses one of the Responsibilities when becoming Baligh

Discusses Alternatives to Performing Wudhu or Ghusl

Explanation of Terminology generally used within the Syllabus

Discusses the Roots of Religion

Explains the Compulsory Actions of Prayer

Explains how to Wash oneself in Preparation for Prayers

Discusses another Islamix Tax

Islamic Books@ In Hindi Language

Namaz, Hadith in HINDI
